On Thursday, October 21, 2021, ULI Philadelphia hosted an event in Wilmington titled “Land Use Policy and the Housing Shortage in Delaware.” Tarabicos, Grosso & Hoffman, LLP Partner Mike Hoffman participated as a panelist alongside four other community leaders, Richard Hall, Land Use General Manager, New Castle County; Joy Barrist, Esquire, Partner, Potter, Anderson & Corroon LLP; Ted Williams, President, Landmark Science & Engineering; and Charuni Patibanda, Economic Development Director, New Castle County, to discuss the affordable housing shortage and the policies addressing this crisis. The panelists, in front of an audience of residents and professionals from Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, considered current policies that exacerbate the crisis before diving into a discussion on alternative policies that the public and private sectors may use to incentivize affordable housing development to meet the needs of current and future Delawareans.